Hey, I'm Leticia Tesh!

Hey, I'm Leticia Tesh!

And I'm honestly honoured you've landed on this page today!

I’m beyond grateful that I was slowly curating Medicinal Movement through the Elements (or MMEtime) as I partook in many different healing modalities, during my 10+ year healing and self-discovery journey, so that when those hard moments in life came (for me this looked like a tough postpartum and subsequent separation), this daily ritual was there to hold me strong!

MMEtime reminded me to create intentional space to connect with myself daily and of my own inner knowledge, which guided me stronger and better, out the other side.

This daily MMEtime practice has led me to truly live my life as a ritual. To connect in with the Divine daily and to co-create this incredible life that I get to live - this isn’t just something for me to experience! This is how we all can live, we just have to create the habits and make the choice - are you ready??

MMEtime reminded me to create intentional space to connect with myself daily and of my own inner knowledge, which guided me stronger and better, out the other side.

This daily MMEtime practice has led me to truly live my life as a ritual. To connect in with the Divine daily and to co-create this incredible life that I get to live - this isn’t just something for me to experience! This is how we all can live, we just have to create the habits and make the choice - are you ready??

It is time to trust yourself - you already know everything you need to know, you just need to create the time & space to connect in and then action your nudges.

My hope is that you don’t get to the point that this is your lifeline to pull you back out again BUT if that happens, you’ll be more than equipped to make any changes needed in your life and return better than ever!

If you are ready to step into your power, MMEtime is for you!

How does it work?

  • We start our MMEtime practice with the Earth Element to ground into our beautiful bodies for the day

  • We meditate

  • We shake

  • We shout (optional 😉)

  • We sit, we tap (EFT)

  • We swirl with Water

  • A quick Fire breath to digest and cleanse

  • Before using the Air element to unplug ourselves from any chords or attachments and bring all parts of our beautiful selves back home

  • We're then guided to meet our higher selves and gain whatever insight we need for the day ahead

How does it work?

  • We start our MMEtime practice with the Earth Element to ground into our beautiful bodies for the day

  • We meditate

  • We shake

  • We shout (optional 😉)

  • We sit, we tap (EFT)

  • We swirl with Water

  • A quick Fire breath to digest and cleanse

  • Before using the Air element to unplug ourselves from any chords or attachments and bring all parts of our beautiful selves back home

  • We're then guided to meet our higher selves and gain whatever insight we need for the day ahead

Honestly, the magic that flows when you prioritize doing this daily is unreal!

It seems like a lot, but the trick is, it's all totally guided so you don't have to think at all, while being taken on a beautiful journey onwards

Back home

To the most purest essence of YOU

Your soul that chose to come have this human experience

Your soul, who already knows everything it needs to know for you to live the life you've always dreamed of!

What clients are saying about the mMEtime event...

"It was incredible to be in this energy. The somatic release and femme flow were beautiful. I can't wait for the next one!"

"My session was truly life-changing. Leticia welcomed me home, activated my priestess codes and bridged the gap between me and my souls purpose. Wow, thank you truly!"

- Alani

"I learned heaps and feel so good. Wonderful teacher, the right kind of kindness and crazy with no judgement. I really enjoyed the cacao and actually opened my heart. I also loved the smells and scents."

How to apply MME time in Your everyday life?

  • There is a short 10 minute flow for those that are time poor

  • And the full 40 minute flow (which can be extended with longer yoga/dance/meditate etc if lifestyle allows)

  • Even if you can only do the full MMEtime flow once during your weekends, I promise you, your life will change.

  • This 40 minute flow comes with its’ own playlist that you can easily access and play whenever you like from Spotify.

  • I encourage you to come and take whatever you like from MMEtime for 7 to 30 days, and then make it your own!

My whole goal is to enable to to access your own divine wisdom!

My Journey of Self-Discovery with MME Time

My Journey of Self-Discovery with MME Time

Once I remembered to actually do MMEtime again, about 3 months postpartum, it really gave me purpose during those long slow newborn days.

I stretched out the 40 minute flow, and made it hours long! (This playlist is also available on the inside).

I just danced and breathed with my little slug in the floor... And as she grew, she began to dance too!

It was never my intention to make her do anything! But because she's seen me do this diligently, nearly every day (a lot harder in the current toddler stage ha…) she now asks to cleanse her teddies chakras and loves a dance party!

And then fast forward to the break up, I truly don't know what I would done for those first few months at absolute rock bottom, had I not had this MMEtime practice to turn to.

It allowed the huge grief and rage and bewilderment to move through my body 

Allowed me to actually process my life 

To truly see how I had created it all 

And how, once I truly understood that, I knew I was the one in charge to change it 

If it was going to be - It was up to me

Thank God I had the tools to do so!!

And can you believe, in the last year, which was arguably the hardest year of my life to date, I managed to complete a 5 month practitioners training program and gain my Isis KA Certification!!

Which is like MMEtime on SPEED It's wild!

With these two modalities combined, I can honestly say, IF YOU STICK TO IT, your life will be totally different within six to eight months! In the absolute BEST way possible!

You see, the Isis KA modality, is all about fully embodying your highest, greatest self . Bringing your soul gifts, identity, purpose, self expression, plus many more KA channels, FULLY online and embodied into your physical reality.

It truly was the last piece to the MMEtime puzzle - and of course, the most crucial! See, all we are is energy! And if we don't work on our energy body, our foundation beliefs and programs, our woundings and our ancestry lineage....

How do we expect to change? The MMEtime Immersion truly has it all

And can you believe, in the last year, which was arguably the hardest year of my life to date, I managed to complete a 5 month practitioners training program and gain my Isis KA Certification!!

Which is like MMEtime on SPEED It's wild!

With these two modalities combined, I can honestly say, IF YOU STICK TO IT, your life will be totally different within six to eight months! In the absolute BEST way possible!

You see, the Isis KA modality, is all about fully embodying your highest, greatest self . Bringing your soul gifts, identity, purpose, self expression, plus many more KA channels, FULLY online and embodied into your physical reality.

It truly was the last piece to the MMEtime puzzle - and of course, the most crucial! See, all we are is energy! And if we don't work on our energy body, our foundation beliefs and programs, our woundings and our ancestry lineage....

How do we expect to change? The MMEtime Immersion truly has it all

What You will Receive:

  • You'll get a full years access to the MMEtime daily practice

  • You gain insight into all of the other tools I've used in my 10 year long journey/spiritual awakening

  • You'll get fortnightly KA body activations for the first four months

  • And for the remaining months in the year, you will receive masculine and feminine healing templates, womb healing and sisterhood wound healing meditations, to name a few

  • Along with the ability to email me with support questions whenever you like!

And if you want to go all in, if you're ready to make BIG changes FAST... The MMEtime VIP 1-1 Immersion is for you.

The time is now...

Trust that soul nudge... feel the pull... let's go!

Your KA body has 16 channels that are dormant, unless activated, which is what we will be doing during your choice of the immersion options.

You will receive ALL 16 activations!

The KA is the light body that exists through 3D-6D and allows you to anchor in your soul and higher self across these dimensions into your realm. It connects us like a portal to spirit, dimension, and form that allows us to become fully ascended humans in our bodies.

The KA body is literally a vehicle the higher self can descend into the matter.

KA energy itself is very highly vibrational, when it is brought down and fills the Ka channel it is a massive rush. This is potent energy work that you'll be receiving inside to support you to deepen into your highest self alongside your MME Time practice.

MEET THE the creator of MMEtime

She brings over 10 years of experience in wellness and personal development.

Her journey from trauma to healing inspired the creation of MMEtime, a practice that combines her expertise in meditation, holistic healing, and spiritual growth, helping others rediscover their inner wisdom and create daily rituals that empower and nourish.

it's time to follow your truth...

it's time to follow

your truth...

stand in the wonder of your power to walk in freedom ~ you are your teacher